20 May Many Marvelous Minerals Might Be Miraculous
Are you fat, tired, crazy, irritated? Have aches and pains, sick all the time or no interest in sex? Well, sounds like you need a miracle and that miracle could be minerals.
Every living cell on this planet depends on minerals for proper function. Minerals are needed for balanced body fluids, bone and blood formation, healthy nerve function, muscle tone and heart function. They also function as coenzymes and are essential for the utilization of vitamins and other nutrients. So basically, you don’t utilize your vitamins unless you have the proper amount of minerals in your body.
Minerals are grouped into two different categories: Macro minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorous) and Micro minerals (chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc). How do we get deficient in elements that are so abundant? Usually through poor diet. But even if your diet is “good,” if you are eating conventionally grown vegetables, chances are no one has rotated the crops in years and there are no minerals left in the soil. Also, a major player in deficiency is poor digestion. YOU ARE WHAT YOU KEEP, as my husband always says. (Read: A Suggestion About Your Digestion).
When you visit the Doctor and get blood tests, those tests DO NOT test most of your mineral levels. If you are interested, I have several non-invasive mineral tests.
Ok, you can write a book on this and many have, so I’m just going to hit the highlights, which are still eyeopening.
Macro Minerals
(Organically Bound Minerals, Calcium Lactate, Magnesium Lactate, Min Chex, Min Tran)
This is the most abundant mineral in the body and having insufficient calcium can affect the bones which may lead to osteoporosis, high blood pressure and colon cancer. Another effect involves sensations of numbness and tingling around the mouth and fingertips and painful aches and spasms of the muscles. Getting enough calcium can ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). An adequate supply of calcium helps muscles, including your heart muscle, do their work of contracting and relaxing. Calcium also lowers cholesterol levels. Deficiencies include muscle cramps, eczema, brittle nails, nervousness and hyperactivity.
Calcium is found in green leafy vegetables, parsley, dried figs, sesame seed, soybeans, oysters, salmon, milk, cheese, sardines, almonds, Brazil nuts
Potassium helps regulate heart rhythm. It helps prevent stroke, aids in proper muscle contraction and works with sodium to control the body’s water balance. It also regulates the transfer of nutrients through the cell membranes. Signs of deficiencies include cognitive impairment, dry skin, constipation, low blood pressure and salt retention.
Potassium is found in avocados, garlic, mint leaves, vegetables, bananas, potatoes, meats, mung bean and nuts
This mineral plays an amazingly important role in about 300 biochemical processes that take place in the body. It’s needed to properly develop and maintain the skeletal system and is very crucial to body’s ability to absorb calcium. It also can help keep muscles and mind relaxed as well as being a great supplement for those who suffer from adrenal fatigue! Magnesium deficiency can lead to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, migraines, numbness, muscle cramps, anxiety, depression and changes in personality.
Magnesium is found in avocados, apples, apricots, lemons, almonds, corn, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits
Phosphorus is needed for bone and tooth formation, cell growth, contraction of the heart muscle and kidney function. It also assists the body in the utilization of vitamins and the conversion of food to energy. Phosphorus deficiency can occur among people who take certain types of antacids for longer years. People who become easily fatigued and weak can be suffering from mild phosphate deficiency. However, too much intake of it through taking processed foods, soft drinks and meats may lead to an imbalance of magnesium and calcium. These three minerals need to be properly balanced in the body.
Phosphorus is found in fish, poultry, whole grains, eggs, seeds, nuts, sprouts, alfalfa, mung bean and dairy products
Sodium is important in the distribution of water in the body. It helps in maintenance of fluid volume in the vessels and tissues and also concerned with muscle and nerve irritability. Sodium in your processed food is bad, but a good mineral salt is very good for you!
Sodium is found in shellfish, meats, eggs, table salt, fruits and vegetables
Micro Minerals
(Immuplex, Trace Minerals-B12, Manganese-B12, Iodomere,Chezyn, Zinc Live Chelate)
Chromium participates in assisting our body to absorb and stabilize energy that we need throughout the day. It is also vital in the synthesis of cholesterol, fats, and protein. Chromium maintains stable blood sugar through proper insulin utilization and can be helpful both for people with diabetes and those with hypoglycemia. The average American is deficient in this mineral due to diet and the lack of it in our soil.
Chromium is found in eggs, liver, beef, yeast nuts, mushrooms, asparagus, grains, chicken and cheese
Copper is a necessary part of the body’s ability to produce hemoglobin. It also works together with iron in the formation of red blood cells. Without copper, the body could not complete the process of building the bones that make up the skeletal system. It works in balance with zinc and vitamin C. Early signs of copper deficiency are osteoporosis, anemia, baldness and general weakness.
Copper can be found in almonds, avocados, barley, beans, broccoli, liver, lentils, salmon, leafy green vegetables
Seventy-five percent of this mineral makes its way to the thyroid gland then joins up with two important hormones – triiodothyronine and thyroxin. Every part of the body requires these hormones to produce energy. These hormones determine how fast and how efficiently the body is able to burn calories. Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer and is associated with fatigue weight gain and and mental retardation in children.
Iodine can be found in vegetables grown in iodine rich soil, asparagus, garlic, lima beans mushrooms, iodized salt and seafood
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world affecting at least five million people to date. Iron is crucial element to sustain healthy immune system, digestion, and hemoglobin which is carrier of oxygen in our body. In addition, certain chemicals in our brain are controlled by the presence or absence of iron. A few signs of needing iron can be anemia, fatigue, slow mental reactions, digestive disturbances, hair loos and fragile bones.
Iron is found in liver, kidney, red meat, fish, poultry, dried beans, pears, pumpkin and raisins
Manganese is needed for protein and fat metabolism, healthy nerves, and healthy immune system and blood sugar regulation. A manganese deficiency can cause painful joints, eye problems, memory loss and diabetes.
Manganese is found in nuts, seeds, avocados, grains, leafy vegetables, egg yolks, seaweed and legumes
Is cancer-fighting potential, which has anti-oxidant properties. This means it protects against the formation of free radicals – unstable oxygen molecules in the body caused by muscle movement, metabolism and inhalation of smoke and pollution. It may provide relief from an enlarged prostate and has been found to protect the liver, help address high cholesterol levels and infections.
Selenium can be found in meat, grains, wheat germ, Brazil nuts, garlic, liver, salmon, onion, kelp and dairy products
Sixty-seven percent of US population suffers from zinc deficiency. Sufficient requirement of this can help ensure that the immune system remains healthy and is able to fight off disease. It helps produce and activate T-lymphocytes, one type of white blood cell that the body uses to help fight infection. It can help address sexual function and capability, impotence, lethargy, loss of appetite, hair loss acne and fatigue.
Zinc can be found in pumpkin seeds, corn, nuts, wheat germ, oysters, red meat, liver and eggs
Posted by Kay Curtis
These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.